Drought Tolerant Plants
As our community becomes more environmentally conscious, due to our State Drought, the desire to plan gardens around plants with low water requirements becomes more prevalent. We offer a wide selection of drought-tolerant plants that provide lush, low-maintenance beauty, perfect for landscapes hoping to conserve water and money, as well as those in areas with little rainfall. We hope you join us in preserving nature's resources while enjoying fantastic flowers and foliage by planting drought-tolerant trees, shrubs, and perennials.
Below you will find a gallery of Drought Tolerant Plants ideal for Full Sun areas and also plants ideal for Shady areas.
Drought Tolerant Plants-
Ideal for areas with Full Sun

Thrives in areas that receive full sun, and requires very little moisture, making it the perfect hot season plant

Thrives in areas that receive full sun.

Thrives in areas that receive full sun.

Thrives in areas that receive at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day

Full sun (6+ hours direct sun)

Full sun (6+ hours direct sun)

Full Sun or Shade

Full sun plants thrive in 6+ hours of direct sunlight per day

Thrives in areas that receive full sun.

Thrives in areas that receive full sun.

Thrives in areas that receive full sun.

Thrives in areas that receive full sun.

Thrives in areas that receive full sun.

Thrives in areas that receive full sun.

Thrives in areas that receive full sun.
Drought Tolerant Plants-
Ideal for Shady Areas

Full sun or shade

Part sun (3 to 6 hours morning sun)

Part sun (3 to 6 hours morning sun)

Shade Plant: Shade plants tolerate 1-3 hours of morning sun per day

Part sun (3 to 6 hours morning sun)

Part sun (3 to 6 hours morning sun)

Part sun (3 to 6 hours morning sun)